Friday, November 18, 2005

Coming Out of Hiding

So I wasn't nessecarily hiding, more of being too busy to keep my friends updated. (Sorry!) Having your first child turn one is more nightmarish than I had realized before. It not only means that I am old and am full swing into being a young parent, but that there are parties to throw, decorations to set up, cakes to make, presents to buy and wrap, and a freakin million more toys to try and keep organized. Let's face it, by this point my living room looks like a daycare center. Now that I'm a mom, this fact won't change for years to come. Even as I step on blocks and trip on his favorite penguin (honorable member of the family, Packard) I can't help but realize that I love it. I love that little red headed boy of ours and I love his seemingly impossible messes. From the toys he scatters in seconds to the cake he smothered on himself not two weeks ago at his first birthday party. Look what you've done to this crazy woman, little guy, you've made her tame, loving, and insanely happy. Now that I think of it, so many things happen in autumn...

November is a birthday crazy month for us. It starts with my sister Angela on the 1st, followed by my grandfather on the 5th, my son Damen on the 6th, my father on the 7th, my husband's older sister on the 8th and his younger sister on the 9th. Between those and Thanksgiving, it's enough to make us lose 20lbs. (Or gain it from all the food!) We also get Damen's pictures done, along with our yearly family photo. (Please let me look decent this year!)

Damen's party actually went amazingly smooth, compared to the disaster we were so afraid of it becoming. But it was cute. We had dinner and watched "Finding Nemo" with the whole house decorated in Nemo colors, banners, balloons and so on. Then presents, followed by a Nemo cake (which I made and decorated myself) and orange sherbet with vanilla ice cream. (Nemo colors! duh) Damen was given his very own small cake to demolish as he pleased, and had a smashing good time with it. Afterwards he was put directly into a bath (which he also adored). So it all went very nicely. (Except for the steering wheel toy we gave him, which scares him.)

Christmas, as the media says, is right around the corner. But really, let's get Thanksgiving out of the way! The sales industry is pushing for the holiday shopping to begin early. To encourage this, the malls have brought Santa in, and commenced the holiday shopping complete with decorations, integrating in the music, and a local radio station has even begun playing Christmas music nonstop. Is it only New York that is wrapped up in this early holiday spirit? Who else is watching christmas commercials and hearing carols on their airwaves? Still, I can't help but get into the mood a bit myself. This year, Charlie is giving me christmas. Though he doesn't consider it a gift, it is the best gift in the world to me. I can hardly contain my joy. Luckily, Charlie has put limits on my own holiday happiness and will not let me start decorating until after thanksgiving. Good choice, honey! ^_^ Although, truth be told, Charlie himself has tuned into the station playing christmas music.

For now that's all I really have to say. Next time I will try to include pictures, but for now you must forgive me for my ramblings and simply know that I am still here, and still very well.


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